This download is for Tuner Studio dash design that resembles Corvette C8 gauges. This design features the following program functioning indicators: WUE indicator that lights up over the temp icon when Warm Up Enrichment is active Battery Volts / color indicator -Lights up when volts low, very low, high, very high and transparent during…
This download is for Tuner Studio dash design that resembles Audi R8 gauges. This design features the following program functioning indicators: WUE indicator that lights up over the temp icon when Warm Up Enrichment is active Battery Volts / color indicator -Lights up when volts low, very low, high, very high and transparent during normal….
This download is for Tuner Studio dash design that resembles Autometer Ultra-Lite gauges. Features: Copy any of the template gauges and paste to add a gauge in the same design. Change the gauge to whatever you want it to represent in properties. To use the dash file: Download and unzip the file to your pc….