LCD Module
Shown below is a LCD Module modified for my specific use to hold a boost controller and volume knob for my touch screen radio. By default I offer the LCD Module with a blank faceplate that only has a location for access to the SD card.
What is the LCD Module?
TheLCDModule was designed to fit into the OEM Din slot in the Mx6 Dash, it simply pushes in like a radio and snaps itself into position. The LCD Module offers a clever and convenient way to hold all the electronics needed to run the LCD Dashboard.
The LCD Module holds the following components:
- Raspberri Pi4B
- 4 Channel Relay Module
- Relay Timer Module
- 12vt to 5vt Converter
- SD Card Expander
The LCD Module has the following inputs/outputs:
- HDMI Cable to LCD Dashboard
- USB Inputs from Raspberry PI
- Molex Connector for main harness
Below illustrates how the LCD Module is setup with the components.
Easy Installation
Shown below is my Modified LCD Module installed in the Din Slot. All of the wiring is positioned at the back and has plenty of space to be routed cleanly.
LCD Module
LCD Module Shown below is a LCD Module modified for my specific use to hold a boost controller and volume ...
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