Introducing our LCD Dashboard designed specifically for the Mx6.
What is the LCD Dashboard?
This LCD Dashboard utilizes a Megasquirt system that you have already installed in your vehicle.
If you do not have a Megasquirt system or equivalent that is tuned with EFIAnalytics’s Tuner Studio, This dash will not work for you.
The Short Explanation:
I am offering an elegant and professional way to hold a LCD screen and indicator lights in the place of your OEM analog gauge cluster. What is displayed on the screen is external software that I am not affiliated with. I have built in buttons for internal and external functions. I also built a digital fuel gauge to read the OEM fuel sending unit.
The Long Explanation:
Normally, you tune the vehicle with a laptop that has Tuner Studio installed on it. You connect the laptop direct to the Megasquirt in your car via USB to a serial connector. This requires a good laptop battery and/or inverter during the duration you will be using it in the vehicle. While driving, you cannot physically see what the laptop is showing unless you have an elaborate stand to hold it in front of you.
With the LCD Dashboard, the tuning software is fully integrated into vehicle and starts up with the vehicle displaying right in front of you in a custom layout design of your choice.
You can choose to have the display show a custom dash you designed or opt to have full version of Tuner Studio on displaying live tuning as you drive.
How does the LCD Dashboard work?
A low cost, small platform computer called a Raspberry Pi running Rpi OS is what is used to display to the cluster. The Raspberry PI is loaded with an image of EFIAnayltics TSDASH, and that is the main software that boots to the cluster on start up, but thats not it.. TSDash can be minimized to show a desktop similar to windows. On this desktop Tuner Studio and Megalog Viewer is also included and can be utilized on the cluster.
With any combination of keyboard and mouse, (full size, mini, touchpad micro keyboard, usb connect, bluetooth) you can tune the vehicle on the digital gauge cluster.
Using this software can be cumbersome on a small screen, there is also the option of connecting wirelessly over wifi to TSDash on the Raspberri Pi with a laptop and tuning in the background while still using the LCD Dashboard as your main display while driving.
What does the LCD Dashboard fit?
The LCD Dashboard and LCD Module will fit any 93-97 Mx6 or 626 I4 or V6.
The LCD Dashboard is designed to fit in the OEM position using the existing screws.
Semi Plug and Play Design
Our Offering of the LCD Dashboard includes a main wire harness with Molex connectors. This harness is designed to interface directly to the LCD Module. The remaining harness come with clean cut ends that will either be spliced into or directly wired to your OEM dash cluster wiring and Ignition Key Switch.
We provide all the documentation for this wiring.
Wiring Options
To install the cluster, your OEM cluster wiring will need to be spliced into or cut complete.
Temporary Install: If you want the option to go back to OEM Cluster, the wiring can be tapped into instead and the connectors can be tucked away far into the dashboard.
Permanent Install: If your build will never utilize the OEM Cluster again, the OE connectors can be cut clean off and wired directly to the LCD Dashboard Harness.
How does the LCD Dashboard function?
The LCD Dashboard requires additional components to function:
Megasquirt ECM (often MSPNP2 or MS3PRo)
The Megasquirt ECM will connect to the Raspberry Pi inside the LCD Module by USB to serial connection.
GPS Receiver
The GPS will connect to the Raspberry Pi inside the LCD Module by USB connection.
Laptop ( or windows based Tablet)
The Laptop can connect to the Raspberry Pi using TSdash by Wi-Fi connection and remote tune using TunerStudio on the laptop or remote control the LCD Dashboard via browser window on the laptop.