Radiator Upgrade
Griffin Universal Radiator
I decided to do a radiator upgrade to alleviate the requirement for a swirl pot, in addition to allowing more space between the radiator and the intercooler piping. I found the Griffin Radiator 1-26241-X had the best size and format to possibly fit in the mx6, I also found it at a steal of a deal at only $170 on Amazon.
I choose 12in 80WA Slim fans to run with it.
I quickly found the radiator was a tight fit and was going to require some modifications to work. First, the inlet on the top right corner would not clear the valve cover and would look unsightly with bunch of bends. I dealt with this by cutting the inlet off, plugging it and making that plug also a mount post. I then cut a hole into the side and welded the inlet over the hole. Then I used a universal flex radiator hose with a 90 on the end to connect to the motor.
The lower outlet was also not going to work due to my turbo hot pipes. I could not source a proper tight 90deg bend so I made pie cuts and welded them together to make the bend angle I needed. With this much of a bend hanging off the radiator I didn’t want to chance it cracking the radiator so layered up the welds to grab more surface area.
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